Go Behind The Scenes Of DREAM THEATER's Fall 2024 40th-Anniversary Tour (Video)

November 15, 2024

The Dream Theater World, the official DREAM THEATER fan club, has uploaded a 30-minute "Stage Tour" video that was filmed in Oslo, Norway on November 9 during the band's ongoing 40th-anniversary tour. Dream Theater World says: "Here we have a behind the scenes of the tour, with band members showing us their corner of the stage, and we also meet several other important people from the DREAM THEATER world — [bassist] John Myung is in his tent practicing with his tech Jerry Pratt, we meet Jordan's [Rudess, DREAM THEATER keyboardist] tech Eric Frampton. In [DREAM THEATER guitarist John] Petrucci's tent we find Maddi Schieferstein. We see Jimmy T Meslin, and we say hello to the FoH engineer Ace Baker, and the lightning guru Steve Baird. And the guy with big shoes to fill, taking over as tour manager; Chuck Randall."

The progressive metal legends played their first concert with Mike Portnoy in 14 years on October 20 at the O2 Arena in London, United Kingdom.

The drummer co-founded DREAM THEATER in 1985 with Petrucci and Myung. Mike played on 10 DREAM THEATER albums over a 20-year period, from 1989's "When Dream And Day Unite" through 2009's "Black Clouds & Silver Linings", before exiting the group in 2010. Portnoy returned to DREAM THEATER in October 2023 after being replaced by Mike Mangini, who played with DREAM THEATER across five studio albums and accompanying world tours.

London marked the kick-off concert of DREAM THEATER's 2024-2025 40th-anniversary tour. The European leg of the trek — presented as "An Evening With Dream Theater" — will run through November 24 in Amsterdam, hitting cities in numerous countries along the way.

DREAM THEATER will release its sixteenth studio album, "Parasomnia", on February 7, 2025 via InsideOut Music. The LP marks the band's first release with Portnoy since 2009's "Black Clouds & Silver Linings".

"Parasomnia" was produced by guitarist John Petrucci, engineered by James "Jimmy T" Meslin, and mixed by Andy Sneap. Hugh Syme returns once again to lend his creative vision to the cover art.

The first single, "Night Terror", is a musical thrill ride captured in the just shy of ten minutes listening experience. A music video for the song — directed by Mike Leonard — is now available.

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